Know the common thread between the four hymns Let Him Have His Way With Thee, O For A Closer Walk!, Precious Name, and Teach Me Thy Way, O Lord?
Here’s the answer, and how I went about trying to capture it!
It sorta felt like I failed miserably in my pursuit of a path that was very bright. But that didn't mean I couldn’t take care of this problem in post!
Here’s the progression of my two favorite shots, from original, to edited, to light-added!
This one here at the bridge I feel is a little more realistic since the sun was actually coming from that direction exactly.
And how did I add the light? That’s what this month’s Premium Training is all about! And it’s a whole lot more than just adding lens flare . . . Lenspiration members can learn all about how to add or enhanse all sorts of lighting effects in the new training, Tweaking the Light: Adding Light Rays, Starbursts and Lens Flare.
Now It’s Your Turn!
Whether you find some natural light or add it in later, it’s you’re turn to go out and shoot some spectacular photos for the Bright Path photo assignment!